Home ⇒ 📌William Butler Yeats ⇒ Crazy Jane On The Mountain
Crazy Jane On The Mountain
I am tired of cursing the Bishop,
(Said Crazy Jane)
Nine books or nine hats
Would not make him a man.
I have found something worse
To meditate on.
A King had some beautiful cousins.
But where are they gone?
Battered to death in a cellar,
And he stuck to his throne.
Last night I lay on the mountain.
(Said Crazy Jane)
There in a two-horsed carriage
That on two wheels ran
Great-bladdered Emer sat.
Her violent man
Cuchulain sat at her side;
Propped upon my two knees,
I kissed a stone
I lay stretched out in the dirt
And I cried tears down.

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