Home ⇒ 📌William Blake ⇒ The Caverns of the Grave I've Seen
The Caverns of the Grave I've Seen
The Caverns of the Grave I’ve seen,
And these I show’d to England’s Queen.
But now the Caves of Hell I view,
Who shall I dare to show them to?
What mighty soul i 362 n Beauty’s form
Shall dauntless view the infernal storm?
Egremont’s Countess can control
The flames of Hell that round me roll;
If she refuse, I still go on
Till the Heavens and Earth are gone,
Still admir’d by noble minds,
Follow’d by Envy on the winds,
Re-engrav’d time after time,
Ever in their youthful prime,
My designs unchang’d remain.
Time may rage, but rage in vain.
For above Time’s troubled fountains,
On the great Atlantic Mountains,
In my Golden House on high,
There they shine eternally.

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