Home ⇒ 📌William Blake ⇒ Infant Joy
Infant Joy
I have no name
I am but two days old.
What shall I call thee?
I happy am
Joy is my name.
Sweet joy befall thee!
Pretty joy!
Sweet joy but two days old.
Sweet joy I call thee;
Thou dost smile,
I sing the while
Sweet joy befall thee.

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- 388. Extempore on some commemorations of Thomson DOST thou not rise, indignant shade, And smile wi’ spurning scorn, When they wha wad hae starved thy life, Thy senseless turf adorn? Helpless, alane, thou clamb the brae, Wi’ meikle honest toil, And claught th’ unfading garland there- Thy sair-worn, rightful spoil. And wear it thou! and call aloud This axiom undoubted- Would thou […]...