Home ⇒ 📌Walt Whitman ⇒ From Paumanok Starting
From Paumanok Starting
FROM Paumanock starting, I fly like a bird,
Around and around to soar, to sing the idea of all;
To the north betaking myself, to sing there arctic songs,
To Kanada, till I absorb Kanada in myself-to Michigan then,
To Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, to sing their songs, (they are inimitable;)
Then to Ohio and Indiana to sing theirs-to Missouri and Kansas and Arkansas, to sing
To Tennessee and Kentucky-to the Carolinas and Georgia, to sing theirs,
To Texas, and so along up toward California, to roam accepted everywhere;
To sing first, (to the tap of the war-drum, if need be,)
The idea of all-of the western world, one and inseparable.
And then the song of each member of These States.

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