Call To Account!
The drum of war thunders and thunders.
It calls: thrust iron into the living.
From every country
Slave after slave
Are thrown onto bayonet steel.
For the sake of what?
The earth shivers
And stripped.
Mankind is vapourised in a blood bath
Only so
Can get hold of Albania.
Human gangs bound in malice,
Blow after blow strikes the world
Only for
Someone’s vessels
To pass without charge
Through the Bosporus.
The world
Won’t have a rib intact.
And its soul will be pulled out.
And trampled down
Only for someone,
To lay
Their hands on
Why does
A boot
Crush the Earth – fissured and rough?
What is above the battles’ sky –
When will you stand to your full height,
Giving them your life?
When will you hurl a question to their faces:
Why are we fighting?
Translated: by Lika Galkina with Jasper Goss, 2005.

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