Home ⇒ 📌Thomas Warton ⇒ On King Arthur’s Round Table at Winchester
On King Arthur’s Round Table at Winchester
Where Venta’s Norman castle still uprears
Its rafter’d hall, that o’er the grassy foss,
And scatter’d flinty fragments clad in moss,
On yonder steep in naked state appears;
High hung remains, the pride of war-like years,
Old Arthur’s board: on the capacious round
Some British pen has sketch’d the names renown’d,
In marks obscure, of his immortal peers.
Though join’d by magic skill, with many a rhyme,
The Druid frame, unhonour’d, falls a prey
To the slow vengeance of the wizard Time,
And fade the British characters away;
Yet Spenser’s page, that chants in verse sublime
Those chiefs, shall live, unconscious of decay.

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