Eveleen's Bower
Oh! weep for the hour,
When to Eveleen’s bower,
The Lord of the Valley with false vows came;
The moon hid her light,
From the heavens that night,
And wept behind her clouds o’er the maiden’s shame.
The clouds pass’d soon
From the chaste cold moon,
And heaven smiled again with her vestal flame;
But none will see the day,
When the clouds shall pass away,
Which that dark hour left upon Eveleen’s fame.
The white snow lay
On the narrow path-way,
When the Lord of the Valley cross’d over the moor;
And many a deep print
On the white snow’s tint
Show’d the track of his footstep to Eveleen’s door.
The next sun’s ray
Soon melted away
Every trace on the path where the false Lord came;
But there’s a light above,
Which alone can remove
That stain upon the snow of fair Eveleen’s fame.

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