Cotton and Corn
Said Cotton to Corn, t’other day,
As they met and exchang’d salute
(Squire Corn in his carriage so gay,
Poor Cotton, half famish’d on foot):
“Great Squire, if it isn’t uncivil
To hint at starvation before you,
Look down on a poor hungry devil,
And give him some bread, I implore you!”
Quoth Corn, then, in answer to Cotton,
Perceiving he meant to make free
“Low fellow, you’ve surely forgotten
The distance between you and me!
To expect that we, Peers of high birth,
Should waste our illustrious acres,
For no other purpose on earth
Than to fatten curst calico-makers!
That Biships to hobbins should bend
Should stoop from their Bench’s sublimity,
Great dealers in lawn, to befriend
Such contemptible dealers in dimity!
“No vile Manufacture! ne’er harbour
A hope to be fed at our boards;
Base offspring of Arkwright the barber,
What claim canst thou have upon Lords?
“No thanks to the taxes and debt,
And the triumph of paper o’er guineas,
Our race of Lord Jemmys, as yet,
May defy your whole rabble of Jennys!”
So saying whip, crack and away
Went Corn in his chaise through the throng,
So headlong, I heard them all say,
“Squire Corn would be down, before long.”

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