Home ⇒ 📌Thomas Hardy ⇒ V. R. 1819-1901 (A Reverie.)
V. R. 1819-1901 (A Reverie.)
Moments the mightiest pass calendared,
And when the Absolute
In backward Time outgave the deedful word
Whereby all life is stirred:
“Let one be born and throned whose mould shall constitute
The norm of every royal-reckoned attribute,”
No mortal knew or heard.
But in due days the purposed Life outshone –
Serene, sagacious, free;
Her waxing seasons bloomed with deeds well done,
And the world’s heart was won. . .
Yet may the deed of hers most bright in eyes to be
Lie hid from ours as in the All-One’s thought lay she –
Till ripening years have run.

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