Home ⇒ 📌Sukasah Syahdan ⇒ A Brand New Life
A Brand New Life
My dearest child, my dearest love
Come to Ayah, who has just come
My dearest star, my brightest sun
Your loudest cries, my sweetest songs
Your merry laughter, my constant prayer
My dearest child, whenever you come
Be you a son, be you a daughter
Ayah’s been waiting here at home
In quiet moments called Forever
On this parcel of land hard-won
We built a place called home
And to make it look decent
We look after a small garden
A couple against the world hostile
Would need a retreat once in a while
Where Imma can enjoy poetry
Or friends and I, o’er cups of coffee
One day our son or daughter
Will run about with laughter

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