Behold, the grave of a wicked man
Behold, the grave of a wicked man, And near it, a stern spirit. There came a drooping maid with violets, But the spirit grasped her arm. “No flowers for him,” he said. The maid
The ocean said to me once
The ocean said to me once, “Look! Yonder on the shore Is a woman, weeping. I have watched her. Go you and tell her this Her lover I have laid In cool green hall.
Many workmen
Many workmen Built a huge ball of masonry Upon a mountain-top. Then they went to the valley below, And turned to behold their work. “It is grand,” they said; They loved the thing. Of
I explain the silvered passing of a ship at night
I explain the silvered passing of a ship at night, The sweep of each sad lost wave, The dwindling boom of the steel thing’s striving, The little cry of a man to a man,
There was set before me a mighty hill
There was set before me a mighty hill, And long days I climbed Through regions of snow. When I had before me the summit-view, It seemed that my labour Had been to see gardens
Once I saw mountains angry
Once I saw mountains angry, And ranged in battle-front. Against them stood a little man; Aye, he was no bigger than my finger. I laughed, and spoke to one near me, “Will he prevail?”
God lay dead in heaven
God lay dead in heaven; Angels sang the hymn of the end; Purple winds went moaning, Their wings drip-dripping With blood That fell upon the earth. It, groaning thing, Turned black and sank. Then
Three little birds in a row
Three little birds in a row Sat musing. A man passed near that place. Then did the little birds nudge each other. They said, “He thinks he can sing.” They threw back their heads
Two or three angels
Two or three angels Came near to the earth. They saw a fat church. Little black streams of people Came and went in continually. And the angels were puzzled To know why the people
Once there came a man
Once there came a man Who said, “Range me all men of the world in rows.” And instantly There was terrific clamour among the people Against being ranged in rows. There was a loud
Places among the stars
Places among the stars, Soft gardens near the sun, Keep your distant beauty; Shed no beams upon my weak heart. Since she is here In a place of blackness, Not your golden days Nor
Blustering God
i Blustering God, Stamping across the sky With loud swagger, I fear You not. No, though from Your highest heaven You plunge Your spear at my heart, I fear You not. No, not if
"And the sins of the fathers shall be"
“And the sins of the fathers shall be Visited upon the heads of the children, Even unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me.” Well, then I hate thee, unrighteous picture;