Home ⇒ 📌Russell Edson ⇒ On The Eating Of Mice
On The Eating Of Mice
A woman prepared a mouse for her husband’s dinner,
Roasting it with a blueberry in its mouth.
At table he uses a dentist’s pick and a surgeon’s scalpel,
Bending over the tiny roastling with a jeweler’s loupe. . .
Twenty years of this: curried mouse, garlic and butter
Mouse, mouse sauteed in its own fur, Salisbury mouse,
Mouse-in-the-trap, baked in the very trap that killed it,
Mouse tartare, mouse poached in menstrual blood at the full
Of the moon. . .
Twenty years of this, eating their way through the
Mice. . . And yet, not to forget, each night, one less vermin
In the world. . .

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