The Craftsman
Once, after long-drawn revel at The Mermaid,
He to the overbearing Boanerges
Jonson, uttered (if half of it were liquor,
Blessed be the vintage!)
Saying how, at an alehouse under Cotswold,
He had made sure of his very Cleopatra,
Drunk with enormous, salvation-con temning
Love for a tinker.
How, while he hid from Sir Thomas’s keepers,
Crouched in a ditch and drenched by the midnight
Dews, he had listened to gipsy Juliet
Rail at the dawning.
How at Bankside, a boy drowning kittens
Winced at the business; whereupon his sister
Lady Macbeth aged seven thrust ’em under,
Sombrely scornful.
How on a Sabbath, hushed and compassionate
She being known since her birth to the townsfolk
Stratford dredged and delivered from Avon
Dripping Ophelia
So, with a thin third finger marrying
Drop to wine-drop domed on the table,
Shakespeare opened his heart till the sunrise
Entered to hear him.
London wakened and he, imperturbable,
Passed from waking to hurry after shadows. . .
Busied upon shows of no earthly importance?
Yes, but he knew it!

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