Home ⇒ 📌Robert William Service ⇒ You And Me
You And Me
I’m part of people I have known
And they are part of me;
The seeds of thought that I have sown
In other minds I see.
There’s something of me in the throne
And in the gallows tree.
There’s something of me in each one
With whom I work and play,
For islanded there can be none
In this dynamic day;
And meshed with me perchance may be
A leper in Cathay.
There’s me in you and you in me,
For deeply in us delves
Such common thought that never we
Can call ourselves ourselves.
In coils of universal fate
No man is isolate.
For you and I are History,
The all that ever was;
And woven in the tapestry
Of everlasting laws,
Persist will we in Time to be,
Forever you and me.

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