My Holiday
I love the cheery bustle
Of children round the house,
The tidy maids a-hustle,
The chatter of my spouse;
The laughter and the singing,
The joy on every face:
With frequent laughter ringing,
O, Home’s a happy place!
Aye, Home’s a bit of heaven;
I love it every day;
My line-up of eleven
Combine to make it gay;
Yet when in June they’re leaving
For Sandport by the sea,
By rights I should be grieving,
But gosh! I just fell free.
I’m left with parting kisses,
The guardian of the house;
The romp, it’s true, one misses,
I’m quiet as a mouse.
In carpet slippers stealing
From room to room alone
I get the strangest feeling
The place is all my own.
It seems to nestle near me,
It whispers in my ear;
My books and pictures cheer me,
Hearth never was so dear.
In peace profound I lap me,
I take no stock of time,
And from the dreams that hap me,
I make (like this) a rhyme.
Oh, I’m ashamed of saying
(And think it’s mean of me),
That when the kids are staying
At Sandspot on the sea,
And I evoke them clearly
Disporting in the spray,
I love them still more dearly
Because. . . they’re far away.

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