Lobster For Lunch
His face was like a lobster red,
His legs were white as mayonnaise:
“I’ve had a jolly lunch,” he said,
That Englishman of pleasant ways.
“Thy do us well at our hotel:
In England food is dull these days.”
“We had a big langouste for lunch.
I almost ate the whole of it.
And now I’ll smoke and read my Punch,
And maybe siesta a bit;
And then I’ll plunge into the sea
And get an appetite for tea.”
We saw him plunge into the sea,
With jolly laugh, his wife and I.
“George does enjoy his food,” said she;
“In Leeds lobsters are hard to buy.
How lucky we to have a chance
To spend our holiday in France!”
And so we watched him swim and swim
So far and far we scarce could see,
Until his balding head grew dim;
And then there came his children three,
And we all waited there for him, –
Ah yes, a little anxiously.
But George, alas! came never back.
Of him they failed to find a trace;
His wife and kids are wearing black,
And miss a lot his jolly face. . .
But oh how all the lobsters laugh,
And write in wrack his epitaph.

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