Freedom's Fool
To hell with Government I say;
I’m sick of all the piddling pack.
I’d like to scram, get clean away,
And never, nevermore come back.
With heart of hope I long to go
To some lost island of the sea,
And there get drunk with joy to know
No one on earth is over me.
There will be none to say me nay,
So from my lexicon I can
Obliterate the word “obey”,
And mock the meddling laws of man.
The laws of Nature and of God
Are good enough for guys like me,
Who scorn to kiss the scarlet rod
Of office and authority.
No Stars and Stripes nor Union Jack,
Nor tri-colour nor crimson rag
Shall claim my love, I’ll turn my back
On every land, on every flag.
My banner shall be stainless white,
An emblem of the Golden Rule,
Yet for its freedom I will fight
And die – like any other fool.
Oh Government’s a bitter pill!
No force or fear shall forge my fate;
I’ll bow to no communal will,
For I myself shall be the State.
Uncurst by man-curb and control,
My Isle shall be emparadised,
And I will re-possess my soul. . .
Mad Anarchist! – Well, wasn’t Christ?

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