Home ⇒ 📌Robert William Service ⇒ Cows
I love to watch my seven cows
In meads of buttercups abrowse,
With guilded knees;
But even more I love to see
Them chew the cud so tranquilly
In twilight ease.
Each is the image of content
From fragrant hours in clover spent,
‘Mid leaf and bud;
As up and down without a pause
Mechanically move their jaws
To chew the cud.
Friend, there’s a hope for me and you:
Let us resolve to chew and chew
With molars strong;
The man who learns to masticate
With patience may control his fate,
His life prolong.
In salivation is salvation:
So if some silly little nation
Should bathe in blood,
Let’s take a lesson from the cow,
And learn in life’s long gloaming how
To chew the cud.

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