It’s a mighty good world, so it is, dear lass,
When even the worst is said.
There’s a smile and a tear, a sigh and a cheer,
But better be living than dead;
A joy and a pain, a loss and a gain;
There’s honey and may be some gall:
Yet still I declare, foul weather or fair,
It’s a mighty good world after all.
For look, lass! at night when I break from the fight,
My Kingdom’s awaiting for me;
There’s comfort and rest, and the warmth of your breast,
And little ones climbing my knee.
There’s fire-light and song Oh, the world may be wrong!
Its empires may topple and fall:
My home is my care if gladness be there,
It’s a mighty good world after all.
O heart of pure gold! I have made you a fold,
It’s sheltered, sun-fondled and warm.
O little ones, rest! I have fashioned a nest;
Sleep on! you are safe from the storm.
For there’s no foe like fear, and there’s no friend like cheer,
And sunshine will flash at our call;
So crown Love as King, and let us all sing
“It’s a mighty good world after all.”

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