To My Own Minature Picture Taken At Two Years Of Age
And I was once like this! that glowing cheek
Was mine, those pleasure-sparkling eyes, that brow
Smooth as the level lake, when not a breeze
Dies o’er the sleeping surface! twenty years
Have wrought strange alteration! Of the friends
Who once so dearly prized this miniature,
And loved it for its likeness, some are gone
To their last home; and some, estranged in heart,
Beholding me with quick-averted glance
Pass on the other side! But still these hues
Remain unalter’d, and these features wear
The look of Infancy and Innocence.
I search myself in vain, and find no trace
Of what I was: those lightly-arching lines
Dark and o’erhanging now; and that mild face
Settled in these strong lineaments! There were
Who form’d high hopes and flattering ones of thee
Young Robert! for thine eye was quick to speak
Each opening feeling: should they not have known
When the rich rainbow on the morning cloud
Reflects its radiant dies, the husbandman
Beholds the ominous glory sad, and fears
Impending storms? they augur’d happily,
For thou didst love each wild and wonderous tale
Of faery fiction, and thine infant tongue
Lisp’d with delight the godlike deeds of Greece
And rising Rome; therefore they deem’d forsooth
That thou shouldst tread PREFERMENT’S pleasant path.
Ill-judging ones! they let thy little feet
Stray in the pleasant paths of POESY,
And when thou shouldst have prest amid the crowd
There didst thou love to linger out the day
Loitering beneath the laurels barren shade.
SPIRIT of SPENSER! was the wanderer wrong?
This little picture was for ornament
Design’d, to shine amid the motley mob
Of Fashion and of Folly, is it not
More honour’d by this solitary song?

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