Home ⇒ 📌Robert Burns ⇒ 429. Song-Come let me take thee to my breast
429. Song-Come let me take thee to my breast
COME, let me take thee to my breast,
And pledge we ne’er shall sunder;
And I shall spurn as vilest dust
The world’s wealth and grandeur:
And do I hear my Jeanie own
That equal transports move her?
I ask for dearest life alone,
That I may live to love her.
Thus, in my arms, wi’ a’ her charms,
I clasp my countless treasure;
I’ll seek nae main o’ Heav’n to share,
Tha sic a moment’s pleasure:
And by thy e’en sae bonie blue,
I swear I’m thine for ever!
And on thy lips I seal my vow,
And break it shall I never.

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