Home ⇒ 📌Robert Burns ⇒ 277. Song-My Eppie Adair
277. Song-My Eppie Adair
Chorus.-An’ O my Eppie, my jewel, my Eppie,
Wha wad na be happy wi’ Eppie Adair?
BY love, and by beauty, by law, and by duty,
I swear to be true to my Eppie Adair!
By love, and by beauty, by law, and by duty,
I swear to be true to my Eppie Adair!
And O my Eppie, &c.
A’ pleasure exile me, dishonour defile me,
If e’er I beguile ye, my Eppie Adair!
A’ pleasure exile me, dishonour defile me,
If e’er I beguile thee, my Eppie Adair!
And O my Eppie, &c.

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