Home ⇒ 📌Robert Burns ⇒ 176. On the Death of John M'Leod, Esq
176. On the Death of John M'Leod, Esq
SAD thy tale, thou idle page,
And rueful thy alarms:
Death tears the brother of her love
From Isabella’s arms.
Sweetly deckt with pearly dew
The morning rose may blow;
But cold successive noontide blasts
May lay its beauties low.
Fair on Isabella’s morn
The sun propitious smil’d;
But, long ere noon, succeeding clouds
Succeeding hopes beguil’d.
Fate oft tears the bosom chords
That Nature finest strung;
So Isabella’s heart was form’d,
And so that heart was wrung.
Dread Omnipotence alone
Can heal the wound he gave-
Can point the brimful grief-worn eyes
To scenes beyond the grave.
Virtue’s blossoms there shall blow,
And fear no withering blast;
There Isabella’s spotless worth
Shall happy be at last.

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