Absinthe and stained glass
Absinthe makes the hurt grow fonder
The green fairy burbles what’s this ‘ere
When vincent (sozzled) knifes his lug off
All spirits then succumb to fear
Depression takes the gloss off wonder
And people (lost) tell god to bug off
The twentieth century drowns in sheer
Excuse that life is comic blunder
Temporality dons its gear
Forbidden thought soon rips its gag off
Stained glass (you think) must be bystander
Its leaded eyes seek far not near
The day’s bleak dirt it learns to shrug off
The history of the race confuses
Heady spirit with bloody need
Nothing can stop the sky from tingling
Intrinsic hope rewords its screed
Assumes it must outlive its bruises
Stained glass deigns to face the mingling
Of atavistic search for creed
With each desire gets what it chooses
It tries to suck out truth from greed
And calmly pacifies the wrangling
Lasting spirit allows no ruses
What’s bottled dreads to pay much heed
Between the two meek life is dangling
(from le trianon – stained glass window by berge)

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