Remember how unimportant
They seemed, growing loosely
In the open fields we crossed
On the way to school. We
Would carve wooden swords
And slash at the luscious trunks
Until the white milk started
And then flowed. Then we’d
Go on to the long day
After day of the History of History
Or the tables of numbers and order
As the clock slowly paid
Out the moments. The windows
Went dark first with rain
And then snow, and then the days,
Then the years ran together and not
One mattered more than
Another, and not one mattered.
Two days ago I walked
The empty woods, bent over,
Crunching through oak leaves,
Asking myself questions
Without answers. From somewhere
A froth of seeds drifted by touched
With gold in the last light
Of a lost day, going with
The wind as they always did.

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