SEXTON! Martha’s dead and gone;
Toll the bell! toll the bell!
Her weary hands their labor cease;
Good night, poor Martha, sleep in peace!
Toll the bell!
Sexton! Martha ‘s dead and gone;
Toll the bell! toll the bell!
For many a year has Martha said,
“I’m old and poor, would I were dead!”
Toll the bell!
Sexton! Martha’s dead and gone;
Toll the bell! toll the bell!
She’ll bring no more, by day or night,
Her basket full of linen white.
Toll the bell!
Sexton! Martha’s dead and gone;
Toll the bell! toll the bell!
‘Tis fitting she should lie below
A pure white sheet of drifted snow.
Toll the bell!
Sexton! Martha’s dead and gone;
Toll the bell! toll the bell!
Sleep, Martha, sleep, to wake in light,
Where all the robes are stainless white.
Toll the bell!

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