Home ⇒ 📌Nazim Hikmet ⇒ Our Eyes
Our Eyes
Our eyes
are limpid
drops of water.
In each drop exists
a tiny sign
of our genius
Which has given life to cold iron.
Our eyes
are limpid
drops of water
Merged absolutely in the Ocean
That you could hardly recognize
the drop in a block of ice
in a boiling pan.
The masterpiece of these eyes
the fulfillment of their genius
the living iron.
In these eyes
filled with limpid
pure tears
Had failed to emerge
from the infinite Ocean
If the strength
had dispersed,
We could never have mated
the dynamo with the turbine,
Never have moved
those steel mountains in water
as if made of hollow wood.
The masterpiece of these eyes
the fulfillment of their genius
of our unified labour
the living iron.

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