Home ⇒ 📌Michael Drayton ⇒ Sonnet XVIII: To This Our World
Sonnet XVIII: To This Our World
To the Celestial Numbers
To this our world, to Learning, and to Heav’n,
Three Nines there are, to every one a Nine,
One number of the Earth, the other both divine;
One woman now makes three odd numbers ev’n.
Nine Orders first of Angels be in Heav’n,
Nine Muses do with Learning still frequent:
These with the Gods are ever resident;
Nine Worthy Women to the world were giv’n.
My Worthy One to these Nine Worthies addeth,
And my fair Muse one Muse unto the Nine,
And my good Angel, in my soul divine,
With one more Order these Nine Orders gladdeth;
My Muse, my Worthy, and my Angel then
Makes every One of these three Nines a Ten.

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