The Folly of Wisdom
She is wise in the way that children are wise,
Looking at me with such knowing, grave eyes
I must bend down to her to understand.
But she only smiles, and takes my hand.
We are walking somewhere that her feet know to go,
So I smile, and I follow…
And the years are dark creatures concealed in bright leaves
That flutter above us, and what she believes-
I can almost remember-goes something like this:
The prince is a horned toad, awaiting her kiss.
She wiggles and giggles, and all will be well
If only we find him! The woodpecker’s knell
As he hammers the coffin of some dying tree
That once was a fortress to someone like me
Rings wildly above us. Some things that we know
We are meant to forget. Life is a bloodletting, maple-syrup-slow.
Originally published by Romantics Quarterly

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