Home ⇒ 📌Mary Elizabeth Coleridge ⇒ When my love did what I would not, what I would not
When my love did what I would not, what I would not
When my love did what I would not, what I would not,
I could hear his merry voice upon the wind,
Crying, “e;Fairest, shut your eyes, for see you should not.
Love is blind!”
When my love said what I say not, what I say not,
With a joyous laugh he quieted my fears,
Whispering, “Fairest, hearken not, for hear you may not.
Hath Love ears?”
When my love said, “Will you longer let me seek it?
Blind and deaf is she that doth not bid me come!”
All my heart said murmuring, “Dearest, can I speak it?
Love is dumb!

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