A Display Of Mackeral
They lie in parallel rows,
On ice, head to tail,
Each a foot of luminosity
Barred with black bands,
Which divide the scales’
Radiant sections
Like seams of lead
In a Tiffany window.
Iridescent, watery
Prismatics: think abalone,
The wildly rainbowed
Mirror of a soap-bubble sphere,
Think sun on gasoline.
Splendor, and splendor,
And not a one in any way
Distinguished from the other
nothing about them
Of individuality. Instead
They’re all exact expressions
Of the one soul,
Each a perfect fulfillment
Of heaven’s template,
Mackerel essence. As if,
After a lifetime arriving
At this enameling, the jeweler’s
Made uncountable examples
Each as intricate
In its oily fabulation
As the one before;
A cosmos of champleve.
Suppose we could iridesce,
Like these, and lose ourselves
Entirely in the universe
Of shimmer would you want
To be yourself only,
Unduplicatable, doomed
To be lost? They’d prefer,
Plainly, to be flashing participants,
Multitudinous. Even on ice
They seem to be bolting
Forward, heedless of stasis.
They don’t care they’re dead
And nearly frozen,
Just as, presumably,
They didn’t care that they were living:
All, all for all,
The rainbowed school
And its acres of brilliant classrooms,
In which no verb is singular,
Or every one is. How happy they seem,
Even on ice, to be together, selfless,
Which is the price of gleaming.

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