The Blue Water Buffalo
One in 250 Cambodians, or 40,000 people,
Have lost a limb to a landmine.
-Newsfront, U. N. Development Programme Communications Office
On both sides of the screaming highway, the world
Is made of emerald silk-sumptuous bolts of it,
Stitched by threads of water into cushions
That shimmer and float on the Mekong’s munificent glut.
In between them plods the ancient buffalo-dark blue
In the steamy distance, and legless
Where the surface of the ditch dissects
The body from its waterlogged supports below
Or it might be a woman, up to her thighs
In the lukewarm ooze, bending at the waist
With the plain grace of habit, delving for weeds
In water that receives her wrist and forearm
As she feels for the alien stalk, the foreign blade
Beneath that greenest of green coverlets
Where brittle pods in their corroding skins
Now shift, waiting to salt the fields with horror.

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