Home ⇒ 📌Katherine Mansfield ⇒ Deaf House Agent
Deaf House Agent
That deaf old man
With his hand to his ear
His hand to hi head stood out like a shell,
Horny and hollow. He said, “I can’t hear,”
He muttered, “Don’t shout,
I can hear very well!”
He mumbled, “I can’t catch a word;
I can’t follow.”
Then Jack with a voice like a Protestant bell
Roared “Particulars! Farmhouse! At 10 quid a year!”
“I dunno wot place you are talking about.”
Said the deaf old man.
Said Jack, “What the Hell!”
But the deaf old man took a pin from his desk, picked
A piece of wool the size of a hen’s egg from his ear,
Had a good look at it, decided in its favour and re-
Placed it in the aforementioned organ.

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