[This sweet Ballad, and the one entitled The
Maid of the Mill’s Repentance, were written on the occasion of a
Visit paid by Goethe to Switzerland. The Maid of the Mill’s Treachery,
To which the latter forms the sequel, was not written till the following
SAY, sparkling streamlet, whither thou
With joyous mien thy waters now
Why seek the vale so hastily?
Attend for once, and answer me!
Oh youth, I was a brook indeed;
My bed they’ve deepen’d, and my speed
That I may haste to yonder mill.
And so I’m full and never still.
The mill thou seekest in a mood
And know’st not how my youthful blood
But doth the miller’s daughter fair
She opes the shutters soon as light
And comes to bathe her features bright
So full and snow-white is her breast,
I feel as hot as steam suppress’d.
If she in water can inflame
Surely, then, flesh and blood to tame
When once is seen her beauteous face,
One ever longs her steps to trace.
Over the wheel I, roaring, bound,
And ev’ry spoke whirls swiftly round,
Since I have seen the miller’s daughter,
With greater vigour flows the water.
Like others, then, can grief, poor brook,
“Flow on!” thus she’ll, with smiling look,
With her sweet loving glance, oh say,
Can she thy flowing current stay?
‘Tis sad, ’tis sad to have to speed
I wind, and slowly through the mead
And if the choice remain’d with me,
Would hasten back there presently.
Farewell, thou who with me dost prove
Perchance some day thou’lt breathe of love
Go, tell her straight, and often too,
The boy’s mute hopes and wishes true.

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- The Curse of Kehama I charm thy life, From the weapons of strife, From stone and from wood, From fire and from flood, From the serpent’s tooth, And the beast of blood. From sickness I charm thee, And time shall not harm thee; But earth, which is mine, Its fruits shall deny thee; And water shall hear me, And […]...
- Not Youth Pertains to Me NOT youth pertains to me, Nor delicatesse-I cannot beguile the time with talk; Awkward in the parlor, neither a dancer nor elegant; In the learn’d coterie sitting constrain’d and still-for learning. inures not to me; Beauty, knowledge, inure not to me-yet there are two or three things inure to me; I have nourish’d the wounded, […]...
- THE TRAVELLER AND THE FARM~MAIDEN HE. CANST thou give, oh fair and matchless maiden, ‘Neath the shadow of the lindens yonder, Where I’d fain one moment cease to wander, Food and drink to one so heavy laden? SHE. Wouldst thou find refreshment, traveller weary, Bread, ripe fruit and cream to meet thy wishes, None but Nature’s plain and homely dishes, […]...
- XXXIV (You are the daughter of the sea) You are the daughter of the sea, oregano’s first cousin. Swimmer, your body is pure as the water; Cook, your blood is quick as the soil. Everything you do is full of flowers, rich with the earth. Your eyes go out toward the water, and the waves rise; Your hands go out to the earth […]...
- Sonnet 41: Those pretty wrongs that liberty commits Those pretty wrongs that liberty commits When I am sometime absent from thy heart, Thy beauty and thy years full well befits, For still temptation follows where thou art. Gentle thou art, and therefore to be won; Beauteous thou art, therefore to be assailed; And when a woman woos, what woman’s son Will sourly leave […]...
- Nay, Lord, not thus! white lilies in the spring Seven stars in the still water, And seven in the sky; Seven sins on the King’s daughter, Deep in her soul to lie. Red roses are at her feet, (Roses are red in her red-gold hair) And O where her bosom and girdle meet Red roses are hidden there. Fair is the knight who lieth […]...
- Sonnet XLI Those petty wrongs that liberty commits, When I am sometime absent from thy heart, Thy beauty and thy years full well befits, For still temptation follows where thou art. Gentle thou art and therefore to be won, Beauteous thou art, therefore to be assailed; And when a woman woos, what woman’s son Will sourly leave […]...