The Two Friends
AXIOCHUS, a handsome youth of old, And Alcibiades, (both gay and bold,) So well agreed, they kept a beauteous belle, With whom by turns they equally would dwell. IT happened, one of them so
The Progress Of Wit
DIVERTING in extreme there is a play, Which oft resumes its fascinating sway; Delights the sex, or ugly, fair, or sour; By night or day: ’tis sweet at any hour. The frolick, ev’ry where
The Monks Of Catalonia
TO you, my friends, allow me to detail, The feats of monks in Catalonia’s vale, Where oft the holy fathers pow’rs displayed, And showed such charity to wife and maid, That o’er their minds
The Impossible Thing
A DEMON, blacker in his skin than heart, So great a charm was prompted to impart; To one in love, that he the lady gained, And full possession in the end obtained: The bargain
IN Eastern climes, by means considered new; The Mount’s old-man, with terrors would pursue; His large domains howe’er were not the cause, Nor heaps of gold, that gave him such applause, But manners strange
The Case Of Conscience
THOSE who in fables deal, bestow at ease Both names and titles, freely as they please. It costs them scarcely any thing, we find. And each is nymph or shepherdess designed; Some e’en are
Sister Jane
WHEN Sister Jane, who had produced a child, In prayer and penance all her hours beguiled Her sister-nuns around the lattice pressed; On which the abbess thus her flock addressed: Live like our sister
The Avaricious Wife And Tricking Gallant
WHO knows the world will never feel surprise, When men are duped by artful women’s eves; Though death his weapon freely will unfold; Love’s pranks, we find, are ever ruled by gold. To vain
The Princess Betrothed To The King Of Garba
WHAT various ways in which a thing is told Some truth abuse, while others fiction hold; In stories we invention may admit; But diff’rent ’tis with what historick writ; Posterity demands that truth should
The Countryman Who Sought His Calf
A COUNTRYMAN, one day, his calf had lost, And, seeking it, a neighbouring forest crossed; The tallest tree that in the district grew, He climbed to get a more extensive view. Just then a
St. Julian's Prayer
TO charms and philters, secret spells and prayers, How many round attribute all their cares! In these howe’er I never can believe, And laugh at follies that so much deceive. Yet with the beauteous
The Mandrake
FLORENTINE we now design to show; A greater blockhead ne’er appeared below; It seems a prudent woman he had wed, With beauty that might grace a monarch’s bed; Young, brisk, good-humoured, with engaging mien;
The Truckers
THE change of food enjoyment is to man; In this, t’include the woman is my plan. I cannot guess why Rome will not allow Exchange in wedlock, and its leave avow; Not ev’ry time
The Muleteer
THE Lombard princes oft pervade my mind; The present tale Boccace relates you’ll find; Agiluf was the noble monarch’s name; Teudelingua he married, beauteous dame, The last king’s widow, who had left no heir,
The Pitcher
THE simple Jane was sent to bring Fresh water from the neighb’ring spring; The matter pressed, no time to waste, Jane took her jug, and ran in haste The well to reach, but in