Home ⇒ 📌Ivan Donn Carswell ⇒ It was your first outing
It was your first outing
It was your first outing, or more rightly, our first outing
With you. We were as proud as new parents could be,
Wheeling our son in the crowded Sunday shopping throng,
Glancing down again and again to reassure ourselves, and you,
That we were indeed one, gazing in awe at your small face
And trusting eyes, head encased in lacy cap, unselfishly
Sharing this consuming intimacy with everyone.
When you could participate in the sights and sounds
Around you and sat erect commanding all that passed
You ate your first ice-cream unaided. Your face
Was painted in rich, chocolate smears
And your beautiful eyes
Devoured our hearts.

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