Do you know who is thinking of you?
If you start out every day in the same old gloomy way
It’s little wonder what other people think of you, but
The ones who matter most are the ones who hold you close
In their hearts, who’re always thinking of you;
Do you know, do you know,
Do you know who is thinking of you?
As if you never knew who was thinking just of you
And held it close and never shared a bit of it,
There’s no-one else to blame, you had your youthful fame,
You played it and didn’t think about it;
Did you know, did you know,
Did you know you didn’t think about it?
And now you are depressed even when you’re sorely blessed
With rewards of unexpected gravity, but
You’re seated on a throne and so very much alone
You cannot see the glint of tender irony;
Cannot see, cannot to see,
Cannot see the bitter-sweet of irony.
The ones who matter most are the ones who hold you close,
And in our hearts we’re always thinking of you,
Our love is given free as love is meant to be
And we know that you will shine again because of it;
Will shine again, will shine again,
You’ll shine again because of it.

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