A final journeying
Steve is gone,
I hardly can believe
The man wont cry again,
I cannot credit that
His energy wont bloom
And burst the candid pane
That kept us so aware of just
How much he really, really cared.
I grieve for Bindi Sue
And Robert who’ll despair,
For Terri who has lost the man
With whom she shared a life
Of loved eminence; and where
Bereaved will gather to declare
Their love we’ll find a solitary kind
Of saddened solace there.
I think I understand how friends
Would wander without light,
I think I comprehend their loss
Of sight, I know despite the pain
They feel a powerful sense of
Omnipresent guidance in their
Waking hours, and though he’s gone
His spirit towers to guide us all.
And through a pall of sadness
Feel he still walks tall and talks
To us with commonsense and
Passion deep to stir our souls.
A loving larrikin with whom
We share profound beliefs,
And though bereaved we join
To make our voices heard and call
A joyous final journeying of
Steve ‘The Crocodile Hunter’ Irwin.

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