Psalm 68 part 3
L. M.
Praise for temporal blessings; or, Common and special mercies.
We bless the Lord, the just, the good,
Who fills our hearts with joy and food:
Who pours his blessings from the skies,
And loads our days with rich supplies.
He sends the sun his circuit round,
To cheer the fruits, to warm the ground;
He bids the clouds with plenteous rain
Refresh the thirsty earth again.
‘Tis to his care we owe our breath,
And all our near escapes from death;
Safety and health to God belong;
He heals the weak, and guards the strong.
He makes the saint and sinner prove
The common blessings of his love;
But the wide diff’rence that remains,
Is endless joy, or endless pains.
The Lord, that bruised the serpent’s head,
On all the serpent’s seed shall tread;
The stubborn sinner’s hope confound,
And smite him with a lasting wound.
But his right hand his saints shall raise
From the deep earth, or deeper seas,
And bring them to his courts above;
There shall they taste his special love.

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