Psalm 2
Christ dying, rising, interceding, and reigning.
Acts 4:24, etc.
[Maker and sovereign Lord
Of heav’n, and earth, and seas,
Thy providence confirms thy word,
And answers thy decrees.
The things so long foretold
By David are fulfilled,
When Jews and Gentiles joined to slay
Jesus, thine holy child.]
Why did the Gentiles rage,
And Jews, with one accord,
Bend all their counsels to destroy
Th’ Anointed of the Lord?
Rulers and kings agree
To form a vain design;
Against the Lord their powers unite,
Against his Christ they join.
The Lord derides their rage,
And will support his throne;
He that hath raised him from the dead
Hath owned him for his Son.
Now he’s ascended high,
And asks to rule the earth
The merit of his blood he pleads,
And pleads his heav’nly birth.
He asks, and God bestows
A large inheritance;
Far as the world’s remotest ends
His kingdom shall advance.
The nations that rebel
Must feel his iron rod;
He’ll vindicate those honors well
Which he received from God.
[Be wise, ye rulers, now,
And worship at his throne;
With trembling joy, ye people, bow
To God’s exalted Son.
If once his wrath arise,
Ye perish on the place;
Then blessed is the soul that flies
For refuge to his grace.]

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