Hymn 94
Justification by faith, not by works. Rom. 3:19-22. Vain are the hopes the sons of men On their own works have built; Their hearts by nature all unclean, And all their actions guilt. Let
Hymn 39
God’s tender care of his church. Isa. 49:13ff. Now shall my inward joys arise, And burst into a song; Almighty love inspires my heart, And pleasure tunes my tongue. God on his thirsty Zion
Hymn 68
The banquet of love. SS 2:1-4,6,7. Behold the Rose of Sharon here, The Lily which the valleys bear; Behold the Tree of Life, that gives Refreshing fruit and healing leaves. Amongst the thorns so
Psalm 18 part 1
v.1-6,15-18 L. M. Deliverance from despair. Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength, My rock, my tower, my high defence: Thy mighty arm shall be my trust, For I have found salvation thence.
Psalm 144 part 1
v.1,2 C. M. Assistance and victory in the spiritual warfare. For ever blessed be the Lord, My Savior and my shield; He sends his Spirit with his word, To arm me for the field.
Psalm 48 part 1
v.1-8 S. M. The church is the honor and safety of a nation. [Great is the Lord our God, And let his praise be great; He makes his churches his abode, His most delightful
Hymn 35 part 1
Faith the way to salvation. Rom. 1:16; Eph. 2:8,9. Not by the laws of innocence Can Adam’s sons arrive at heav’n; New works can give us no pretence To have our ancient sins forgiv’n.
Psalm 24
Dwelling with God. The earth for ever is the Lord’s, With Adam’s num’rous race; He raised its arches o’er the floods, And built it on the seas. But who among the sons of men
Psalm 14 part 2
The folly of persecutors. Are sinners now so senseless grown That they the saints devour? And never worship at thy throne, Nor fear thine awful power? Great God! appear to their surprise; Reveal thy
Hymn 59
Babylon fallen. Rev. 18:20,21. In Gabriel’s hand a mighty stone Lies, a fair type of Babylon: “Prophets, rejoice, and all ye saints, God shall avenge your long complaints.” He said, and dreadful as he
Psalm 84 part 2
God and his church; or, Grace and glory. Great God, attend, while Zion sings The joy that from thy presence springs: To spend one day with thee on earth Exceeds a thousand days of
Psalm 17
v.13-15 S. M. Portion of saints and sinners. Arise, my gracious God, And make the wicked flee; They are but thy chastising rod, To drive thy saints to thee. Behold, the sinner dies, His
Psalm 116 part 2
v.12ff C. M. Vows made in trouble paid in the church. What shall I render to my God For all his kindness shown? My feet shall visit thine abode, My songs address thy throne.
Hymn 124
The first and second Adam. Rom. 5:12,etc. Deep in the dust before thy throne Our guilt and our disgrace we own; Great God! we own th’ unhappy name Whence sprang our nature and our
Psalm 4
v. 1-3,5-7 L. M. Hearing of prayer. O God of grace and righteousness, Hear and attend when I complain; Thou hast enlarged me in distress, Bow down a gracious ear again. Ye sons of