Hymn 35
Praise to God for creation and redemption. Let them neglect thy glory, Lord, Who never knew thy grace; But our loud songs shall still record The wonders of thy praise. We raise our shouts,
Hymn 142
The humiliation and exaltation of Christ. Isa. 53:6-9,12. Like sheep we went astray, And broke the fold of God, Each wand’ring in a diff’rent way, But all the downward road. How dreadful was the
Psalm 110 part 1
Christ exalted, and multitudes converted; or, The success of the gospel. Thus the eternal Father spake To Christ the Son: “Ascend and sit At my right hand, till I shall make Thy foes submissive
Hymn 100
Believe and be saved. John 3:16-18. Not to condemn the sons of men, Did Christ, the Son of God, appear; No weapons in his hands are seen, No flaming sword nor thunder there. Such
Psalm 142
God is the hope of the helpless. To God I made my sorrows known, From God I sought relief; In long complaints before his throne I poured out all my grief. My soul was
Hymn 66
Christ the King at his table. SS 1:2-5,12,13,17. Let him embrace my soul, and prove Mine interest in his heav’nly love; The voice that tells me, “Thou art mine,” Exceeds the blessings of the
Psalm 131
Humility and submission. Is there ambition in my heart?. Search, gracious God, and see; Or do I act a haughty part? Lord, I appeal to thee. I charge my thoughts, be humble still, And
PSALM 105 Abridged
God’s conduct of Israel, and the plagues of Egypt. Give thanks to God, invoke his name, And tell the world his grace; Sound through the earth his deeds of fame, That all may seek