Psalm 71 part 3
v.17-21 C. M. The aged Christian’s prayer and song. God of my childhood and my youth, The guide of all my days, I have declared thy heav’nly truth, And told thy wondrous ways. Wilt
Psalm 27 part 1
v.1-6 C. M. The church is our delight and safety. The Lord of glory is my light, And my salvation too; God is my strength, nor will I fear What all my foes can
Psalm 89 part 2
v.7ff C. M. The power and majesty of God; or, Reverential worship. With rev’rence let the saints appear, And bow before the Lord; His high commands with rev’rence hear, And tremble at his word.
Psalm 141
v.2-5 L. M. Watchfulness and brotherly reproof. A morning or evening Psalm. My God, accept my early vows, Like morning incense in thine house; And let my nightly worship rise Sweet as the evening
Hymn 44 part 1
Christ’s dying, rising, and reigning. Luke 23:27,29,44-46; Mt. 27:50,57; 28:6ff. He dies! the friend of sinners dies! Lo! Salem’s daughters weep around; A solemn darkness veils the skies; A sudden trembling shakes the ground.
Psalm 119 part 1
The blessedness of saints, and misery of sinners. Ver. 1-3 Blest are the undefiled in heart, Whose ways are right and clean; Who never from thy law depart, But fly from every sin. Blest
Hymn 65
The kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord; or, The day of judgment. Rev. 11:15-18. Let the seventh angel sound on high, Let shouts be heard through all the sky; Kings
Psalm 145
The greatness of God. My God, my King, thy various praise Shall fill the remnant of my days; Thy grace employ my humble tongue Till death and glory raise the song. The wings of
Hymn 21
A vision of the kingdom of Christ among men. Rev. 21:1-4. Lo! what a glorious sight appears To our believing eyes! The earth and sea are passed away, And the old rolling skies. From
Psalm 19 part 2
God’s word most excellent; or, Sincerity and watchfulness. For a Lord’s-day morning. Behold, the morning sun Begins his glorious way; His beams through all the nations run, And life and light convey. But where
Hymn 51
Persevering grace. Jude 1:24,25. To God the only wise, Our Savior and our King, Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring. ‘Tis his almighty love, His counsel, and’ his care,
Psalm 120
Complaint of quarrelsome neighbors; or, A devout wish for peace. Thou God of love, thou ever-blest, Pity my suff’ring state; When wilt thou set my soul at rest From lips that love deceit? Hard
Psalm I: The Man Is Ever Blessed
The man is ever bless’d Who shuns the sinners’ ways, Among their councils never stands, Nor takes the scorner’s place; But makes the law of God His study and delight, Amidst the labours of
Psalm 119 part 12
Breathing after comfort and deliverance. Ver. 153 My God, consider my distress, Let mercy plead my cause; Though I have sinned against thy grace, I can’t forget thy laws. Ver. 39,116 Forbid, forbid the
Hymn 111
Salvation by grace. Titus 3:3-7. [Lord, we confess our num’rous faults, How great our guilt has been! Foolish and vain were all our thoughts, And all our lives were sin. But, O my soul!