Hymn 12
Free grace in revealing Christ. Luke 10:21. Jesus, the man of constant grief, A mourner all his days; His spirit once rejoiced aloud, And tuned his joy to praise: “Father, I thank thy wondrous
Hymn 128
The apostles’ commission. Mark 16:15ff; Matt. 28:18ff. “O preach my gospel,” saith the Lord, “Bid the whole earth my grace receive; He shall be saved that trusts my word, He shall be damned that
Psalm 145 part 2
v.7ff C. M. The goodness of God. Sweet is the memory of thy grace, My God, my heav’nly King; Let age to age thy righteousness In sounds of glory sing. God reigns on high,
Psalm 39 part 2
v.4-7 C. M. The vanity of man as mortal. Teach me the measure of my days, Thou Maker of my frame; I would survey life’s narrow space, And learn how frail I am. A
Psalm 92 part 2
v.12ff L. M. The church is the garden of God. Lord, ’tis a pleasant thing to stand In gardens planted by thine hand; Let me within thy courts be seen, Like a young cedar,
Hymn 44 part 2
The true improvement of life. Ps. 90:12. Ane is this life prolonged to me? Are days and seasons giv’n? O let me, then, prepare to be A fitter heir of heav’n. In vain these
Hymn 22 part 1
Christ the eternal life. Rom. 9:5. Jesus, our Savior and our God, Arrayed in majesty and blood, Thou art our life; our souls in thee Possess a full felicity. All our immortal hopes are
Hymn 151
Prophecy and inspiration. ‘Twas by an order from the Lord The ancient prophets spoke his word; His Spirit did their tongues inspire, And warmed their hearts with heav’nly fire. The works and wonders which
Hymn 85
Salvation, righteousness, and strength in Christ. Isa. 45:21-25. The Lord on high proclaims His Godhead from his throne: “Mercy and justice are the names By which I will be known. “Ye dying souls that
Psalm 106 part 2
v.7,8,12ff S. M. Israel punished and pardoned; or, God’s unchangeable love. God of eternal love, How fickle are our ways! And yet how oft did Isr’el prove Thy constancy of grace! They saw thy
Psalm 69 part 1
v.1-14 C. M. The sufferings of Christ for our salvation. “Save me, O God, the swelling floods Break in upon my soul; I sink, and sorrows o’er my head Like mighty waters roll. “I
Psalm 27 part 2
v.8,9,13,14 C. M. Prayer and hope. Soon as I heard my Father say, “Ye children, seek my grace,” My heart replied without delay, “I’ll seek my Father’s face.” Let not thy face be hid
Psalm 30 part 2
v.6 L. M. Health, sickness, and recovery. Firm was my health, my day was bright, And I presumed ‘twould ne’er be night; Fondly I said within my heart, “Pleasure and peace shall ne’er depart.”
Hymn 34 part 1
The gospel the power of God to salvation. Rom. 1:16. What shall the dying sinner do That seeks relief for all his woe? Where shall the guilty conscience find Ease for the torment of
Hymn 157
Satan’s devices. Now Satan comes with dreadful roar And threatens to destroy; He worries whom he can’t devour With a malicious joy. Ye sons of God, oppose his rage, Resist, and he’ll begone; Thus