Psalm 60
v.1-5,10-12 C. M. On a day of humiliation for disappointments in war. Lord, hast thou cast the nation off? Must we for ever mourn? Wilt thou indulge immortal wrath? Shall mercy ne’er return? The
Psalm 37 part 3
v.23-87 C. M. The way and end of the righteous and the wicked. My God, the steps of pious men Are ordered by thy will; Though they should fall, they rise again, Thy hand
Psalm 46 part 1
The church’s safety and triumph among national desolation. God is the refuge of his saints, When storms of sharp distress invade Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold him present with his aid. Let
Psalm 110
Christ’s kingdom and priesthood. Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne, And near the Father sit; In Zion shall thy power be known, And make thy foes submit. What wonders shall thy gospel do! Thy
Hymn 1
A new song to the Lamb that was slain. Rev. 5:6-12 Behold the glories of the Lamb Amidst his Father’s throne; Prepare new honors for his name, And songs before unknown. Let elders worship
Psalm 150
v.1,2,6 C. M. A song of praise. In God’s own house pronounce his praise, His grace he there reveals; To heav’n your joy and wonder raise, For there his glory dwells. Let all your
Hymn 7
The invitation of the gospel. Isa. 55:1,2,etc. Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice; The trumpet of the gospel sounds With an inviting voice. Lo! all ye hungry, starving souls. That feed
Psalm 85 part 1
v.1-8 L. M. Waiting for an answer to prayer; or, Deliverance begun and completed. Lord, thou hast called thy grace to mind, Thou hast reversed our heavy doom; So God forgave when Isr’el sinned,
Psalm 103 part 2
v.8-18 L. M. God’s gentle chastisement; or, His tender mercy to his people. The Lord, how wondrous are his ways! How firm his truth! how large his grace! He takes his mercy for his
Psalm 127
The blessing of God on the business and comforts of life. If God succeed not, all the cost And pains to build the house are lost; If God the city will not keep, The
Psalm 19 part 1
The books of nature and scripture. For a Lord’s-day morning Behold, the lofty sky Declares its Maker God, And all his starry works on high Proclaim his power abroad. The darkness and the light
Psalm 14 part 1
By Nature all men are sinners. Fools in their heart believe and say “That all religion’s vain; There is no God that reigns on high, Or minds th’ affairs of men.” From thoughts so
Psalm 98 part 2
The Messiah’s coming and kingdom. Joy to the world! the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room, And heav’n and nature sing. Joy to the earth! the
Psalm 32 Part 2
A guilty conscience eased by confession and pardon. While I keep silence, and conceal My heavy guilt within my heart, What torments doth my conscience feel! What agonies of inward smart! I spread my
Hymn 9
The promises of the covenant of grace. Isa. 55:1,2; Zech. 13:1; Mic. 7:19; Ezek. 36:25, etc. In vain we lavish out our lives To gather empty wind; The choicest blessings earth can yield Will