Home ⇒ 📌Isaac Watts ⇒ Hymn 52
Hymn 52
Matt. 28:19; Acts 2:38.
‘Twas the commission of our Lord,
“Go teach the nations, and baptize:”
The nations have received the word
Since he ascended to the skies.
He sits upon th’ eternal hills,
With grace and pardon in his hands;
And sends his cov’nant with the seals,
To bless the distant British lands.
“Repent, and be baptized,” he saith,
For the remission of your sins:”
And thus our sense assists our faith,
And shows us what his gospel means.
Our souls he washes in his blood,
As water makes the body clean;
And the good Spirit from our God
Descends like purifying rain.
Thus we engage ourselves to thee,
And seal our cov’nant with the Lord;
O may the great eternal Three
In heav’n our solemn vows record!

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- Hymn 46 part 2 The privileges of the living above the dead. Isa. 38:18,19. Awake, my zeal; awake, my love, To serve my Savior here below, In works which perfect saints above And holy angels cannot do. Awake, my charity, to feed The hungry soul, and clothe the poor; In heav’n are found no sons of need, There all […]...
- Hymn 22 part 1 Christ the eternal life. Rom. 9:5. Jesus, our Savior and our God, Arrayed in majesty and blood, Thou art our life; our souls in thee Possess a full felicity. All our immortal hopes are laid In thee, our surety and our head; Thy cross, thy cradle, and thy throne, Are big with glories yet unknown. […]...
- Hymn 9 The promises of the covenant of grace. Isa. 55:1,2; Zech. 13:1; Mic. 7:19; Ezek. 36:25, etc. In vain we lavish out our lives To gather empty wind; The choicest blessings earth can yield Will starve a hungry mind. Come, and the Lord shall feed our souls With more substantial meat, With such as saints in […]...
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