Hymn 40
The business and blessedness of glorified saints.
Rev. 7:13ff.
“What happy men, or angels, these,
That all their robes are spotless white?
Whence did this glorious troop arrive
At the pure realms of heav’nly light?”
From torturing racks, and burning fires,
And seas of their own blood, they came;
But nobler blood has washed their robes,
Flowing from Christ the dying Lamb.
Now they approach th’ Almighty throne
With loud hosannahs night and day;
Sweet anthems to the great Three One
Measure their blest eternity.
No more shall hunger pain their souls;
He bids their parching thirst begone,
And spreads the shadow of his wings
To screen them from the scorching sun.
The Lamb that fills the middle throne
Shall shed around his milder beams;
There shall they feast on his rich love,
And drink full joys from living streams.
Thus shall their mighty bliss renew
Through the vast round of endless years;
And the soft hand of sovereign grace
Heals all their wounds and wipes their tears.

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- Hymn 156 Presumption and despair; or, Satan’s various temptations. I hate the tempter and his charms, I hate his flatt’ring breath; The serpent takes a thousand forms To cheat our souls to death. He feeds our hopes with airy dreams, Or kills with slavish fear; And holds us still in wide extremes, Presumption or despair. Now he […]...
- Hymn 157 Satan’s devices. Now Satan comes with dreadful roar And threatens to destroy; He worries whom he can’t devour With a malicious joy. Ye sons of God, oppose his rage, Resist, and he’ll begone; Thus did our dearest Lord engage And vanquish him alone. Now he appears almost divine, Like innocence and love; But the old […]...
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- Hymn 75 The description of Christ the beloved. SS 5:9-16. The wond’ring world inquires to know Why I should love my Jesus so: What are his charms,” say they, “above The objects of a mortal love?” Yes! my Beloved, to my sight Shows a sweet mixture, red and white: All human beauties, all divine, In my Beloved […]...
- Hymn 46 part 1 God glorious, and sinners saved. Rom. 1:30; 5:8,9; 1 Pet. 3:22. Father, how wide thy glories shine! How high thy wonders rise! Known through the earth by thousand signs, By thousand through the skies. Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power, Their motions speak thy skill, And on the wings of every hour We read thy […]...
- Hymn 33 Absurdity of infidelity. 1 Cor. 1:26-31. Shall atheists dare insult the cross Of our Redeemer, God? Shall infidels reproach his laws, Or trample on his blood? What if he choose mysterious ways To cleanse us from our faults? May not the works of sovereign grace Transcend our feeble thoughts? What if his gospel bids us […]...
- Hymn 96 Election excludes boasting. 1 Cor. 1:26-31. But few among the carnal wise, But few of noble race, Obtain the favor of thine eyes, Almighty King of Grace. He takes the men of meanest name For sons and heirs of God; And thus he pours abundant shame On honorable blood. He calls the fool, and makes […]...
- Hymn 3 The nativity of Christ. Luke 1:30ff; 2:10ff Behold, the grace appears! The promise is fulfilled; Mary, the wondrous virgin, bears, And Jesus is the child. [The Lord, the highest God, Calls him his only Son; He bids him rule the lands abroad, And gives him David’s throne. O’er Jacob shall he reign With a peculiar […]...
- Said The Poet To The Analyst My business is words. Words are like labels, Or coins, or better, like swarming bees. I confess I am only broken by the sources of things; As if words were counted like dead bees in the attic, Unbuckled from their yellow eyes and their dry wings. I must always forget who one words is able […]...
- Hymn 140 A living and a dead faith. Collected from several scriptures. Mistaken souls, that dream of heav’n, And make their empty boast Of inward joys, and sins forgiv’n, While they are slaves to lust! Vain are our fancies, airy flights, If faith be cold and dead; None but a living power unites To Christ the living […]...
- Seeking the Beloved To those who love the Lord I speak; Is my Beloved near? The Bridegroom of my soul I seek, Oh! when will He appear? Though once a man of grief and shame, Yet now He fills a throne, And bears the greatest, sweetest name, That earth or heaven have known. Grace flies before, and love […]...
- Hymn 58 The devil vanquished; or, Michael’s war with the dragon. Rev. 12:7. Let mortal tongues attempt to sing The wars of heav’n, when Michael stood Chief general of th’ Eternal King, And fought the battles of our God. Against the dragon and his host The armies of the Lord prevail: In vain they rage, in vain […]...
- Hymn 22 part 1 Christ the eternal life. Rom. 9:5. Jesus, our Savior and our God, Arrayed in majesty and blood, Thou art our life; our souls in thee Possess a full felicity. All our immortal hopes are laid In thee, our surety and our head; Thy cross, thy cradle, and thy throne, Are big with glories yet unknown. […]...
- Hymn 23 The sight of God and Christ in heaven. Descend from heav’n, immortal Dove, Stoop down and take us on thy wings, And mount and bear us far above The reach of these inferior things: Beyond, beyond this lower sky, Up where eternal ages roll; Where solid pleasures never die, And fruits immortal feast the soul. […]...