Hymn 147
The names and titles of Christ. From several scriptures.
[‘Tis from the treasures of his word
I borrow titles for my Lord;
Nor art nor nature can supply
Sufficient forms of majesty.
Bright image of the Father’s face,
Shining with undiminished rays;
Th’ eternal God’s eternal Son,
The heir and partner of his throne.]
The King of kings, the Lord most high,
Writes his own name upon his thigh
He wears a garment dipped in blood,
And breaks the nations with his rod.
Where grace can neither melt nor move,
The Lamb resents his injured love;
Awakes his wrath without delay,
And Judah’s Lion tears the prey.
But when for works of peace he comes,
What winning titles he assumes!
Light of the world, and Life of men;
Nor bears those characters in vain.
With tender pity in his heart,
He acts the Mediator’s part;
A Friend and Brother he appears,
And well fulfils the names he wears.
At length the Judge his throne ascends,
Divides the rebels from his friends,
And saints in full fruition prove
His rich variety of love.

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- Psalm 93 The eternal and sovereign God. Jehovah reigns; he dwells in light, Girded with majesty and might: The world, created by his hands, Still on its first foundation stands. But ere this spacious world was made, Or had its first foundation laid, Thy throne eternal ages stood, Thyself the ever-living God. Like floods, the angry nations […]...
- Psalm 106 part 2 v.7,8,12ff S. M. Israel punished and pardoned; or, God’s unchangeable love. God of eternal love, How fickle are our ways! And yet how oft did Isr’el prove Thy constancy of grace! They saw thy wonders wrought, And then thy praise they sung; But soon thy works of power forgot, And murmured with their tongue. Now […]...
- Hymn 37 Christ’s intercession. Lift up your eyes to th’ heav’nly seats Where your Redeemer stays; Kind Intercessor, there he sits, And loves, and pleads, and prays. ‘Twas well, my soul, he died for thee, And shed his vital blood; Appeased stern justice on the tree, And then arose to God. Petitions now, and praise may rise, […]...
- Hymn 90 Youth and judgment. Eccl. 11:9. Lo! the young tribes of Adam rise, And through all nature rove Fulfil the wishes of their eyes, And taste the joys they love. They give a loose to wild desires; But let the sinners know The strict account that God requires Of all the works they do. The Judge […]...
- Hymn 36 A lovely carriage. Matt. 10:16. O ’tis a lovely thing to see A man of prudent heart, Whose thoughts, and lips, and life agree To act a useful part. When envy, strife, and wars begin In little angry souls, Mark how the sons of peace come in, And quench the kindling coals. Their minds are […]...
- Hymn 128 The apostles’ commission. Mark 16:15ff; Matt. 28:18ff. “O preach my gospel,” saith the Lord, “Bid the whole earth my grace receive; He shall be saved that trusts my word, He shall be damned that won’t believe. “I’ll make your great commission known, And ye shall prove my gospel true, By all the works that I […]...