Home ⇒ 📌Isaac Watts ⇒ Hymn 108
Hymn 108
Christ unseen and beloved.
1 Pet. 1:5.
Now with our mortal eyes
Have we beheld the Lord;
Yet we rejoice to hear his name,
And love him in his word.
On earth we want the sight
Of our Redeemer’s face;
Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight
To dwell upon thy grace.
And when we taste thy love,
Our joys divinely grow
Unspeakable, like those above,
And heav’n begins below.

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- Hymn 169 The Divine Perfections. The Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on high; The garments he assumes Are light and majesty: His glories shine With beams so bright, No mortal eye Can bear the sight. The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe; His wrath and justice stand To guard his holy […]...
- Hymn 106 Dead to sin by the cross of Christ. Rom. 6:1,2,6. Shall we go on to sin Because thy grace abounds; Or crucify the Lord again, And open all his wounds? Forbid it, mighty God! Nor let it e’er be said, That we whose sins are crucified Should raise them from the dead. We will be […]...
- Hymn 136 Sincerity and hypocrisy; or, formality in worship. John 4:24; Ps. 139:23,24. God is a Spirit, just and wise, He sees our inmost mind; In vain to heav’n we raise our cries, And leave our souls behind. Nothing but truth before his throne With honor can appear; The painted hypocrites are known Through the disguise they […]...
- Hymn 137 Salvation by grace in Christ. 2 Tim. 1:9,10. Now to the power of God supreme Be everlasting honors giv’n; He saves from hell, (we bless his name,) He calls our wand’ring feet to heav’n. Not for our duties or deserts, But of his own abounding grace, He works salvation in our hearts, And forms a […]...
- Hymn 12 Free grace in revealing Christ. Luke 10:21. Jesus, the man of constant grief, A mourner all his days; His spirit once rejoiced aloud, And tuned his joy to praise: “Father, I thank thy wondrous love, That hath revealed thy Son To men unlearned, and to babes Has made thy gospel known. “The mysteries of redeeming […]...
- Hymn 90 Youth and judgment. Eccl. 11:9. Lo! the young tribes of Adam rise, And through all nature rove Fulfil the wishes of their eyes, And taste the joys they love. They give a loose to wild desires; But let the sinners know The strict account that God requires Of all the works they do. The Judge […]...
- Hymn 105 Heaven invisible and holy. 1 Cor. 2:9,10; Rev. 21:27. Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, Nor sense nor reason known, What joys the Father hath prepared For those that love the Son. But the good Spirit of the Lord Reveals a heav’n to come; The beams of glory in his word Allure and […]...
- Hymn 164 The end of the world. Why should this earth delight us so? Why should we fix our eyes On these low grounds where sorrows grow, And every pleasure dies? While time his sharpest teeth prepares Our comforts to devour, There is a land above the stars, And joys above his power. Nature shall be dissolved […]...
- Psalm 5 For the Lord’s Day Morning. Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high; To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye; Up to the hills where Christ is gone To plead for all his saints, Presenting at his Father’s throne Our songs and our complaints. Thou art […]...
- Psalm 63 part 1 v.1-5 C. M. The morning of a Lord’s day. Early, my God, without delay, I haste to seek thy face; My thirsty spirit faints away Without thy cheering grace. So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky, Long for a cooling stream at hand, And they must drink or die. I’ve seen thy […]...