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The Evening-Watch: A Dialogue
1 Farewell! I go to sleep; but when
2 The day-star springs, I’ll wake again.
3 Go, sleep in peace; and when thou liest
4 Unnumber’d in thy dust, when all this frame
5 Is but one dram, and what thou now descriest
6 In sev’ral parts shall want a name,
7 Then may his peace be with thee, and each dust
8 Writ in his book, who ne’er betray’d man’s trust!
9 Amen! but hark, ere we two stray
10 How many hours dost think ’till day?
11 Ah go; th’art weak, and sleepy. Heav’n
12 Is a plain watch, and without figures winds
13 All ages up; who drew this circle, even
14 He fills it; days and hours are blinds.
15 Yet this take with thee. The last gasp of time
16 Is thy first breath, and man’s eternal prime.

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